Sunday, 14 June 2009

Identify The Drink...

Identify this drink. The options are:
(A) The Champagne
(B) White wine
(C) Water
(D) None of the Above

Dumb Clue: If your answer is correct I will offer you the same drink whenever and where-ever we meet :)


Unknown said...

i suspect its water since thats the cheapest drink you might want to offer me.

Guru De Fundae said...

In Belgium, beer is cheaper than water. Now? you want to have a relook or "lock kiya jaye"?

Peru said...

Not a champagne glass. Cannot be Vodka or Whisky, coz glass is different. So could be Water or White Wine :)

HP said...

since the meniscus of the liquid is upwards (provided its not a photography trick), it cannot be water ;P;P;P. But, since your offer says you will get me the drink if I guessed it right, AND which I have not as I have only said which drink it cannot be and not the one it can be; I am doing this in spite of the risk of losing a free drink as I want to reassure my scientific approach to problems NOW, "at this very point in my life" more than I want to get a free drink ...

Guruji do you now think you will really post questions like this in the future ???

sprightly said...

A. Not champagne - no bubbles!
C. Not water - then it wont be so special u will put it as a blog post.
B. Can't be white wine - because u wont possibly be wandering around with a wine bottle (so you can't give it anywhere) + I suppose u like red wine more?
D. is my choice. (Since u can offer it anywhere, I hope its not some bodily product! :P)

Curious! Tell me, what is it???

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