Thursday, 10 September 2009

Yahoooooo!!!!! No Rat Race @ Class X

HRD ministry in India has recently come up with many steps to reform education sector. Percentage marks in Class X will now be a history and would be replaced by grades accompanied by a percentile score. In this interview, the HRD minister Kapil Sibal explains the plethora of reforms that would indeed reform the education sector. As with most of the Indian legislations, the devil in this case also lies in the implementation. Usually optimistic, I sincerely hope this is a step in the right direction and would make education a fun place as dreamed by the HRD minister in his poem he narrates at the end of the interview:

Please rid me of this awful load!
preparing for the Class X board!!

My thirsty mind craves to create!
Not have exams decide my fate!!

My wondrous eyes yearn to explore!
Much beyond my classroom door!!

My dreams should not be cut to size!
Just because I hate to memorize!!

If you test me for brains and guile!
Don't have to look at percentile!!

With text book I should start to serve!
Enquiringly looking for a new turn!!

Walk away from a trodden path!
Not inviting my teachers' wrath!!

Solving a sum will not help find!
The real answer for a questioning mind!!

Create a place for a lot to learn!
Let learning be a lot of fun!!

-- Kapil Sibal


HP said...

I happy to see that it has occured to them at least now to get in such a change. seriously, my 10th and 12th were a kind of ordeal that I would not wish for even the worst of my enemies ;P ...

Ashwin said...

yea man, at 15-16 i dont want students to be under such great stress. it is good for student, but imagine a few hard core parents who are judge the success of their kids by the marks they get. for them, if a student gets 80 he could be B- and then at 75 C- (it is after all relative grading and depends on the Gaussian curve) they will put so much more pressure on the students, coz now u really dont know what to expect.

Unknown said...

I still wish the same :) even in my twenties.....

Guru De Fundae said...


Healthy system is to induce more of creativity into the Education. If that happens it would be fun for me and most of us, rather everybody.

Most of the exams should be project/assignments orientated and not to judge candidates in a 3 hr clock room and stamping them as 0 or 1, failure or success. This probably leads to rat race. I would also love to see candidates choose the discipline they are passionate to study and not forced to study (because of employment and other socioeconomic issues)

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