Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Do we have it in Us....

Nileshbhai pointed out this motivational piece in Indian Express. The story is about his star Basketball playing sister and her friends coming back to courts after tangible time off it: punes-basketball-moms-script-fairytale-comeback. For more than a reason this is story proves the power of an agile mind. The win of will over all adverse circumstances proving if you want to achieve something and if you set out to do it with all you have, success won't be that far. Acting as a catalyst this encouraging story made me hallucinate sitting right here on my desk. Here I narrate my dream and hope some fellow (ex-)AVS players have similar thoughts. I strongly believe, if we come together, We Can Do It...

I have no second thoughts that my (and hopefully yours) best times have been playing on courts. Be it Kho-Kho or Basketball, just being present on the court in a match or a practice session was a thrill in itself. Gaining approval of the coach and the audience after winning a good tough match has certainly been memorable and loosing a close match and standing in front of angry coaches (Milind, Manoj, Anand and Shetty sir) was as distasteful. Getting selected for district and state teams was the formidable goal and not ending up making it was indeed a huge disappointment. Manisha made us all proud to play for Indian Basketball team through her shear hard work and determination but there are plenty of us who gave it up in between for one reason or the other.

Believe it or not, we were a formidable team (Boys in Kho-Kho and girls in Basketball) in Bombay circuit and if most of us have continued with the sport, some of us would have been head peons (or may be on higher rank accountants) in banks, railways or other public service institutes supposedly bolstering sports and sports men/(wo)men. Obviously this was not a career that a middle class dreams off and with all the surrounding peer pressure we all landed in other Better Safe Than Sorry careers ending up being engineers/doctors/CAs/artists/scientists and what not.

Most of us are excelling in our respective careers, leading happy family lives, making decent money towards meeting both ends meet but in a process we have had to forgo our dreams to excel in sports we all passionately played and practiced every evening. The joy of any sports is not only about winning and loosing but getting back to the competitive spirits does lead to an inexplicable happiness of a higher degree. The bonhomie and team spirits inculcates stronger bonds as we had developed a long while ago. Unfortunately True!!! Under the stress of time and inevatible circumstances, the bonds have waned, contacts are lost. But, if we can take a cue from these brave moms and super achievers not only in sports but in life, we can as well relive our dream to be a formidable opposition in the Bombay circuit.

I believe we can do it. If moms could do it, we could certainly do it. The question is, Do We Have It In Us?

1 comment:

Guru De Fundae said...

To add Guru,

Dombivli & AVS girl Amruta Bhuskute have been selected as
team for under
16 Asian game u should feel proud
Of this


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