Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Polar Light Dream!!!

The stage is set and the players are ready. The day we all have been waiting for has arrived and today we embark our Scandinavian adventure dreaming to catch the glimpses of mystique Aurora Borealis. The plan is to visit Kiruna and Abisko is Sweden and we have an enviable itinerary to be accomplished:

0. Sledgedog
1. Mobile Snow Scooter
2. Cross country ski
3. Reindeer ride
4. Ice Hotel
5. Hike in the snow
6. Iglu Stay (if possible and is not possible for a PhD student :p)
7. Ice fishing (if possible)
8. (and last but never the least) Aurora Borealis

The first seven could be planned yet the trip objective of the trip can only be accomplished if and only if we catch the glimpses of mystique aurora. Message from across the border and my next door neighbor is that as a traveler everything one wishes comes true and as a true nomad I am willing to wish anything and everything (Health, Love, wealth and time to enjoy them and whatever else you long for) for you. All I wish that you all pray for all of us who will fight tooth nail against extreme weather conditions, burning the midnight oil looking for Aurora, Aurora and Aurora...


HP said...

quite impressive Guru ji :P... as I always say - if you accomplish this list, one of the biggest PhD requirements is over ;) ... all the very best

Peru said...

wow! makes me envy pal :) wish u good luck for a wonderful view of Aurora and get back safe with all those lovely photos and write ups :)

Ganesh Shamnur said...

Just Enjoy It !!

Unknown said...

Rohit bhai guruji, just enjoy the show!

sprightly said...

I would put an item before 0. That's this:

-1. Crossing the arctic circle!

Seriously, this one is a proud accomplishment I'd say, much more than crossing a tropic of cancer, for instance! Hehe. ;-)

Cheers! See you in 5 days! :-)

Guru De Fundae said...

Thanks for all your wishes!!!

Your prayers have worked and we all were lucky to witness the aurora spectacle, albeit for a very short while :-)

Wish you all each and every success in all walks of life...


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