Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Demographic Salary Estimation & Analysis: An Indian View

The irony of passing out as a PhD is that you still have to look for a Job :-(

What are the existing options available? Which are the places to go? What would be my likely salary package? What's the merited savings potential? What will the work like? What will be the lifestyle? These are only a few perennial questions. Here is an effort analyzing salaries and work/life styles across demographics. Before you proceed with the analysis, beware of the disclaimers towards the end.

Obviously, your insights/critiques/suggestions are welcome as they will only throw more light enabling professionals to make an educated decision. So, all views are welcome...

Salary, Potential savings Estimation (Click to Enlarge):

Strengths and weaknesses across demographics(Click to Enlarge):

* Any resemblance of the presented data with the salary package of an individual (alive or dead) is purely coincidental...LOL
* These are not academic salaries but general salaries of a PhD fresher aspiring an industrial job.
* All figures are tentative. The idea is to have min, typ and max approximations providing (only and only) tentative estimation. No estimation should be treated as exact.
* The taxation and expense figures are approximate and to author's knowledge approximately valid in the demographic zone (data obtained by hearsay) and should not be treated as exact.
* Bonus and other fringe benefits are not considered in the analysis.
* Analysis is done as an Indian, by an Indian and for an Indian. Strongly based on the hypothesis that provided with infinite money (?) and a lovable job, he/she would prefer India as an option.
* Only four places (USA, Singapore, Mainland Europe and India) are considered for analysis. UK and other places are not considered as they provide very limited semiconductor opportunities.


Ganesh Shamnur said...

Another link with details for Freshers's salaries in India: ...

Disclaimer: A link available after googling. Data might be wrong.

Vaidy said...

awesome analysis!

Amol said...

Great analysis

alok7007 said...

superb doubt you are a PhD.:)
guess you taking up MBA in Finance.. Masters after Doctorate..!! that ironical too.;):)

Unknown said...

good analysis

Peru said...

Good analysis Guru!

My few cents below ;)

Work/life balance is upto an individual. it's like 2 hands in our body, left hand and right hand. should think like which hand is more important to you? to me, both hands (work/life) are important and i try to strike a balance ;) and being in Singapore for close to 5 years, i believe work/life balance shouldn't be a problem to anyone here :)

Guru De Fundae said...

Thanks Peru:

Thanks for an update!!! Indeed, Singapore seems to be a sweet spot for Indians. I also concur that maintaining work/life balance is also a personal thing. However, work culture at a place plays a substantial role as well.

I wish I were an MBA chasing millions :-) Finance indeed intrigues me...Masters after doctorate? won't be that ironical as long as I keep making both ends meet and keep having fun :-)

Thanks for value adding. The post is very useful for freshers. Unfortunately, there is a very little chance of bargaining your cake at this stage of career.

Thanks for appreciation.

A few Others:
Thanks for private messages.

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